
so this is my life & i want you to know that i am both happy and sad and i'm still trying to figure out how that could be.
please believe that things are good with me, and even when they’re not, they will be soon enough.

Friday, October 1

beauty & unconditional love is meant for all.

learning from everyone is infinite.
i've learned from mothers, fathers,
brothers, sisters, true friends,
people that will forever be in my heart,
and people i once came across in my life.

find the beauty in everyone;
the good, the bad, even the "ugly".

the breakfast club
had the infinity thing going on.
so what,
they got in trouble.
you may spend a miserable, but still infinite
saturday with people..
but its one saturday.
be yourself and make it worth while.
find the beauty in the "ugly"..
in every person and situation<3

"beauty is in the
eye of the beholder"

my friends know i HATE the rain.
but rethinking it differently..
i began to see the beauty in it.
why not enjoy the loud rage in thunder(:

faith, hope, beauty, and love
all seem to get along..

no women, no cry.
just let live; survive<3
no more tears no more lies,
please keep the twinkle in your eye.
there's beauty in time.

i hope everyone can not merely exist..
but at least live beautifully, live infinitely.
unconditional love applies to everyone.

"Hence it can be readily recommended to father and mother, sister and brother, to the high-school and college student, to the convert, the study and Newman Club, to the Confraternity class, to the religious and the priest, in a word, it can be recommended to everyone."
-Joseph B. Frey, 1952
[My Way of Life -St. Thomas]

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