
so this is my life & i want you to know that i am both happy and sad and i'm still trying to figure out how that could be.
please believe that things are good with me, and even when they’re not, they will be soon enough.

Monday, September 20

(i help some guy find his cool bumper sticker) 'i have a mouth might as well use it' "i wish i had a dollar for everytime i heard that!" -Kevin n Kevin ha.

the infinite thing is friendship..
 it really can make the world go around.

why can't you have an infinite amount of friends?

think about it:
don't just have your Monday, Wednesday, friends,
not be cool with your Sunday, Tuesday friends..
and of course don't forget your Friday & Saturday friends (;

point being..

have infinite connections with your friends,
and find the people who really know you at..
your worst and your best
your sad and your happy
your glorified and your low days..

because you have
an infinite amount of days
(*ha kinda.. LYD!)
to live
so you might as well
have infinite, everyday friends
to have an everyday normal day.

*And LYD: Live Your Dream
with whatever talents you have..
(i.e. dancing, reading, art, poetry, 
either beingextoverted/introverted,
music, or maybe a unique mind..)
so just LYD and
create your own "normal"

so you can achieve infinite amount of friends.
and just be chillin in infinity

and hey!
i was with some infinite friends,
i did find a dollar
half of one. haha,
just in the street on University Ave.

now i'm just living it)


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